Hamburger Abendblatt.Kaikaoss in Bachmann Museum.
KERSTIN LORENZ BREMERVÖRDE: The stations of his exhibitions can be read like a globe-trotter’s itinerary:

Minsk, Los Angeles, Paris, Arlon, Bremvervörde, Vienna. The painter Kaikaoss is now showing works from his „painted picture worlds“ in the Bachmann Museum of Bremervörde. In this, the organizers
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Kölner Stadtanzeiger, Friday, October 22, 2010 A lot of material for fantasizing
By Jürgen Kisters
The fact alone that the artist Kaikaoss is from is already interesting to the local au-dience. And when Kaikaoss has a woman in a burka make an appearance in a performance dur-ing the opening of his exhibition on October 26, 2010, in Mülheim’s Kulturbunker, it will be-come even more interesting. Not only because öffnung am
26.10.2010 im Kulturbunker Mülheim eine Frau in einer Burka in einer Performance auftreten
lässt, wird es noch interessanter. Nicht nur, weil der Künstler dadurch seine Ausstellung um die
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Westfälischer Anzeiger from 11/3/08 Kaikaoss‘ delicious cherries
EXHIBITION KunstRaumHamm shows paintings of the artist
By Carolin Kaesler
HAMM – A sea of cherries, delicious shining red cherries – painted so realistically as if the viewer could dive right in at any time. Just like the depicted figures who are stretching out sen-sually in the collection of fruits.
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Couple in the cherries Kaikaoss‘ pictures in „Art Room 27“ prove the courage to use bold colors
RODENKIRCHEN. Matching the house number, the painter Kaikaoss is currently displaying exactly 27 oil paintings in „Art Room 27“. They are unusual works of art which deal with very different topics. The expressive exhibits show a tired musician as well as a large number...
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